House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property as such. The fall in prices in the South-East results largely from the high rate of interest on mortgages 房价很容易受与地产本身无关的因素所影响。东南部房价的下跌很大程度上是由于抵押贷款利率的上涨所引起的。
The moneylender has been bleeding me white with high rate of interest. 那个放高利贷者用高利息把我的钱全部榨光了。
The banks now pay a lower rate of interest to savers. 现在很行给储户的利率更低了。
Our fifth indicator is the real rate of interest, which is negative in over half of the economies. 我们的第五个指标是实际利率,在过半数的新兴经济体国家中这一指标都是负的。
We offer Time Certificates of Deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do. 我们这里提供存款的定期存单,它们的利率高于普通存款。
To begin with, a home equity credit line will offer you a large amount of cash with a comparatively low rate of interest. 首先,一个家股权信贷额度,将为您提供大量现金与相对较低的利息率。
The orthodox view was that investment adjusts to the full employment level automatically via the rate of interest. 传统的观点认为,通过利息率可使投资自动地调整实现充分就业的水平。
An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money. 高利如贷的钱而支付的异常地或非法地高的利息。
Our Savings Bond program offers our highest rate of interest for long-term savers. 我们的储蓄债券章程对长期存款储户提供最高利率。
We can show you how you can earn a higher rate of interest on your savings. 我们能告诉你怎样获得较高的存款利率。
Debentures, unlike shares, are loans to a company with a fixed rate of interest. 公司债券与股票不同,它是按固定利息率借给公司的贷款。
This is what he means by equality between the rate of interest and the marginal efficiency of capital. 他所说的利率等于边际资本效率,意思就是这样。
Money on loan generally at a fixed rate of interest, is called debentures notes or bonds. 定期债券,通常有一个固定的利息,常称为债券、票或公债。
He treated money as an asset. The public desire to hold this asset depended on incomes, the rate of interest and expected inflation. 他将货币视为一种资产,公众持有这种资产的意愿取决于收入水平、利率和预期通货膨胀率。
They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors. 他们需要给出高利率,以便从投资者那里吸收资金。
If this dichotomy is maintained what happens to the rate of interest? 如果保持这种二分法,利率会怎样呢?
The real rate of interest paid on bank deposits is negative and lending rates are far too low for such a fast-growing economy. 为银行存款支付的实际利息率是负数,而贷款利率对于这样快速增长的经济来说太低了。
Secured car loans, on the other hand, come at a lower rate of interest. 汽车贷款担保,但在另一方面,以较低的利率来。
In normal times the market rate of interest brings about a rough correspondence between new savings and physical investment. 在正常时期,市场利率让新增储蓄与实体投资保持了大体一致。
In this paper, we give computing methods about net premium and net premium reserve of whole life insurances under stochastic rate of interest. 本文给出了在随机利率下,终身寿险的纯保费和纯保费责任准备金的计算方法。
These shares return a good rate of interest. 这些股票利率很高。
Can that unit give us a higher rate of interest? 那个单位能给我们更高的利率吗?
When the rate of interest rise, such a person's expenditure must almost infallibly be reduced. 当利率上升时,这样一种人的支出几乎无疑问地会减少。
That itself depends on the relationship between prospective economic growth and the real rate of interest. 可持续性本身取决于预期经济增长与实际利率之间的关系。
Instruments like savings accounts and certificates of deposit pay a small rate of interest. 像储蓄存款账户和证书之类的工具要付一定利率的利息。
The rate of interest may be arranged by consultation. Inflation is-cing production. 利率可以通过协商解决。通货膨胀率正在超过生产率。
You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high-risk shares. 你可以把钱用在买风险高的股票上,以冒险来谋取暴利。
The rate of interest has been held down. 利息率被压低了。
It's a very good rate of interest compared with the other banks. 同别家银行相比,这是很高的利率了。